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This short story unit introduces the theme of "El otoño" using high frequency structures. It includes comprehension and sequencing activities at the end of the story. It is recommended to work on the printable version as a group first to clarify doubts. Once familiar, students can interact with the story individually, in groups, or as a whole class. The unit contains examples from the interactive and printable versions.

This short story with Spanish high frequency structures is a great way to introduce "El otoño" to your students!  There are comprehension and sequencing activities at the end of the story.  We recommend that you work on the printable version first as a whole class to clear up any doubts.   Once your students are familiar with the story they can do the interactive version by themselves, in groups, or with you as a whole class.  Below you can see some sample images from the story.

Below you can see samples of the comprehension and sequencing activities from the interactive version.




Below are some samples of the comprehension and sequencing activities that you will find on the printable version.